雫境 / DAKEI

聾(ろう)の舞踏家。1996年~2001年日本ろう者劇団に在籍。1997年舞踏家・鶴山欣也(舞踏工房 若衆・主宰)の誘いを受け、舞踏を始める。国内のみならず欧米、南米を舞台に活動。2000年にユニット・グループ「雫」を旗揚げ、国内、イタリア、スペイン、ペルー、韓国、フランス、アメリカで公演、ワークショップを行う。アニエス・トゥルブレ(アニエス・ベー)監督の映画『わたしの名前は...』(2013年)に出演。2016年、牧原依里と共同監督として映画「LISTEN リッスン」を製作。2018年、NAPPOS PRODECE「斜面」(作・演出/小野寺修二)、カンパニーデラシネラの「ドン・キホーテ」、「Knife」(演出/小野寺修二)等に出演。2019年、舞踏をベースにした身体表現を模索するためにユニットグループ「濃淡(NOUTAN)」を結成。2000年東京藝術大学大学院博士課程修了。

Dakei is known as a Deaf Butoh Dancer. Being the former member of the Japanese Deaf Theatre Company from 1996 to 2001, he started to dance Butoh at the invitation of Butoh dancer named Kinya “ZULU” Tsuruyama in 1997, the founder of the “Fisherman’s Art Factory YAN-SHU. With this group Dakei had performed in Japan and toured around the world. 
In 2000, he founded his own unit group called "SHIZUKU" and have performed and hold workshop in and out of Japan. 
 On the other hand Dakei has also been collaborating to other genre of body expression. He appeared in "SHA-MEN" (NAPPOS PRODUCE/2018/written and directed by Shuji Onodera), "Don Quixote" (2018-2021) and "Knife" (2020), both directed by Shuji Onodera of Company DERASHINERA.
 Not only the theatre works but also he is active in the expression of images. He appeared in the movie "My Name Is Hmmm ..." (2013) directed by Agnés Troubré (a.k.a. agnés b.). In 2016 he co-produced with Eri Makihara the art documentary which is the world first "music film" interpreted by deaf performers, entitled "LISTEN" where he choreographed and performed. 
Recently Dakei started the new project called "NOUTAN", the movement group to explore the physical expression based on Butoh.
He has completed doctoral course at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2000.